About Me
I'm Paul Merrison, and I write about leadership in the tech industry from my dining table here on the south coast of the United Kingdom. I've spent most of the last 10 years managing and (on a good day) leading teams working on developing and delivering cloud technologies for IBM and most recently Tetrate. Along the way I've picked up more knowledge than I care to admit on security and compliance standards like SOC-2 and PCI, but I try very hard not to write about those!
According to various blog posts I've read on how to write one of these pages, I'm meant to explain to you what you might get out of reading this site. The thing is, I write it for entirely selfish reasons. Writing helps me figure out what I think about things, and I think about things a lot! I love reading, I always have multiple books on the go simultaneously, and this is a way of helping me bring thoughts from different places together. To really figure out what I think.
I really hope that you find some of it interesting or helpful in your own thinking about things. I'm always happy to talk about what I wrote, or anything else really, via email or LinkedIn. You can also find me on Twitter although I'm really bad at using it!